UPDATED 26 April 2012

Combat MAG-1 Glasses: a Better Strap Using the Helmet Retention Band

Wednesday, 12, 1995

Thin rubber strap on G.I combat MAG-1 glasses cuts into ears

Instead of using the thin black rubber strap that comes with issue Combat Mag-1 glasses that are uncomfortable, break easily and cut into your ears, use a parachutists' retention strap like on your PASGT kevlar helmet. This strap called, "Strap, Retention, Parachutist Helmet", NSN 8470-01-092-7524 costs only a couple bucks from the military clothing sales store or off post surplus stores.

Paratrooper with COMBAT MAG-1 glasses on


Notice the velcro para retention straps here

This wider strap, is more comfortable since it doesn't cut into your ears and is more sturdy. The velcro easily adjusts to a secure fit. The center of the strap has a metal eyelet if you want to "Ranger cord" it in case it should slide off your face. I've worn these glasses on 17 jumps and they have never fallen off or failed me.

MAG-1 Glasses with Parachutist Retention Strap

U.S. Army Ranger during filming of "Blackhawk Down!" on location in Africa

The Combat MAG-1 glasses can be ordered through the unit supply system or from Army-Navy surplus store catalogs. Cost is about $25 and they come in medium and large sizes. Usually, optical shops in the U.S. Army can grind the prescription lenses needed at no charge to the Soldier, since these glasses assist in mission performance and can be worn under SCUBA swim masks, Sun, Wind and Dust Goggles (SWDGs) and Field Protective Masks.


Even if you don't need prescription glasses, EVERY SOLDIER needs ballistic protection for their eyes--gunshields and glasses/goggles...the picture below is a warning...

"Battlefield Vision: Eyeglasses for the Soldier" by Captain Joy A. Schmalzle U.S. Army Logistician magazine, July-August 2007

Inexpensive Edge Eyewear Banraj ANSI WZ87.1 compliant wrap-around, face shields with both smoke and clear lenses are only about $11 each retail and can have a Croakies back strap attached by trimming the temple ends so they can slip over and shortening the strap by about half-an-ich on each end.

How Do You Carry Your EyePro?

007 James Bond played by Daniel Craig is in serious need of a better way to carry his glasses...

For a bit more money ESS's CDI High Adrenaline glasses are superb protection and yet have easily changed lenses that slide in/out that are small enough so the whole package can fit into a belt pouch with the extra clear and yellow or copper lenses in outer pouchettes.


Compare this to the many bulky, breast-implant-sized eyeglass carry cases for other eyewear! Big breasted women, we like--big eyeglasses cases we don't. Soldiers are overloaded too much as it is.

Spec-Ops Brand's pouch makes a perfect belt-carry eyepro capability possible...

Sexy Sienna Miller's "Baroness" in the G.I. movie is not far from reality...

Every thing we can do to speed the Paratrooper to the ground from the sky to better Airborne Warfare, is a step in the right direction---VICTORY----take your step today.

You have to see well to land navigate!

Want Pvt Murphy in your pocket?

M$ carbine with M203 40mm GLReturn to Paratrooper 2000, click on M4 5.56mm Carbine with M203 40mm grenade launcher

Before-He-Was-Bond: Daniel Craig Gets Sienna Miller in "L4YerCake"


Murphy is a speedy Paratrooper!Return to Army Equipment Shop