The recent NBC-TV mini-series on Noah's Ark (1999) was a tragedy. The writers were unable to read the plain english of the Bible and see that Noah was dead for 70 years before Lot was around and it was Abram/Abraham that pleaded with God over Sodom-Gomorrah. It was Angels that yanked Lot, his wife and daughters out before the destruction. This is the beginning of the endless errors in the script of Abraham/Noah's mutinee-on-the-Arktanic waterworld series. Despite the great special effects and Jon Voight's moving portrayal as Noah, the film mocked God as a capricious and mean-spirited jerk and used sarcasm about a serious subject to create humor. The key element the writers missed is that there may be much more to Noah's story than we currently believe. I hope someday a SERIOUS movie on Noah is made perhaps with the following possibilities as to what he did AFTER the flood. For example, if there was a tree of the "Knowledge of good and Evil", could there not have been trees of other knowledge that Adam/Eve ate to receive the knowledge from the first time, Hancock writes about? Later on in the bible, God has some prophets EAT the Word of God--perhaps there is a way which INFORMATION can be passed on to people through digestion that we are unaware of as of yet? THINK ABOUT IT.

Mike Sparks, 2nd Tactical Studies Group (Aerospace)

29 April 1997

Dear Mr. Hancock,

While I study military matters by profession I happen to be a Bible College graduate with an interest in ancient societies and the nature of who we are and where we are going. My brother, is a serious Biblical archaeologist writing a book on the Plagues of Egypt and how the story of Moses may actually coincide if we took a different outline of dating events. He even showed me Egyptian hieroglyphics from the revised time period that clearly in cartoon form show the plaques falling on Egypt as foretold in the Bible yet scholars seem to have missed the connection due to probably extreme linear narrowness of thought.

You may have forgotten to mention that the bearded white figure in the rock on page 23 also happened to be wearing a snake headdress which ties in with your descriptions He seems to be steering a rudder in his left hand and piloting some craft it almost looks like he's flying a helicopter since the collective stick is on the left while the cyclic stick is between the legs.

I'd like to share an interesting theory that not only did I arrive at but a friend independant of myself reached simultaneously as we read your book, "Fingerprints of the Gods" about the true identity of the bearded white man/men that taught the post deluge societies the secrets of agriculture yet loved to drink.

Is this an ancient helicopter?

This man was also gifted in ship building/navigation to include map making. He had to have a reason to seek out and visit far-flung civilizations. He had a love for mankind and benevolence that transcended the current savagery that earned the love and admiration of primitive peoples, though he could be pushed to fight an evil man. These post-flood survivors took with them stories of him and his family to form the world-wide flood myths prevalent in nearly all cultures. This man had to have direct possession of knowledge of the absolute very ancients that began human civilization that was probably vicariously given to man from a higher intelligence and not acquired through human trial/error. The search for this man could even be the topic for your next book.

We believe Quetzacotl-Veracocca is Noah.

If you look back into the Bible you'll see clues that frankly always puzzled me about Noah. You would think that Noah would be described as a great ship-builder but instead he is described as a great made no sense until I read your book, "Fingerprints of the Gods". Noah brought back agriculture to the world after the flood because the world with a 23 degree axis tilt would have drastic weather seasons that would require skilled husbandry in order to grow enough food to survive. We are all aware of Noah's care of the specimens of animal species. I believe Noah got his information directly from God and by an unbroken lineage of Godly men that had direct personal contact with Adam and Eve-the first man and women who got direct, specific revelation about the properties of the world around them to include precise maps. The great pyramid with its embedded scientific/mathematical knowledge was probably built by Enoch as a sort of indestructible marker for he knew a cataclysm was coming from God against man and he himself left the earth without dying.

1. Noah knew Methuselah who knew Lamech who knew........who knew Adam and Eve

these people received direct know-how from God himself about the nature of the cosmos that has survived somewhat even to this day; this knowledge as pointed out in your book could not have been acquired by man's learning since it appears to have been passed on by rote while at the same time the peoples involved failed to even use circles for wheels on carts!

2. Noah was a gifted grower

3. Noah had sturdy sons to help and built one of the greatest ships of all time;

4. These sons after moving away by an unfortunate falling out would give Noah a reason to come and visit

5. Noah lived a long time after the floods and would probably have a reason, a missionary outlook for mankind

6. Noah was a man of great character that stood faithful to God even when those around him ridiculed him, he no doubt pleaded patiently with them to join him to avoid the coming disaster

7. However Noah had a bad habit of getting drunk from his agriculture; he taught others how to make wine

8. Noah was a white man with a beard that fits the description of Quetzacoatl

9. Noah's benevolence and desire to pass on technology would yield admiration/respect that could over time become idolatry which fits the "god' label the ancients felt towards Quetzacotl

10. Noah's goodness would result in primitive peoples wrongly assuming that anyone white bearded men coming from a ship would be friendly without aspirations to conquer

11. The engravings showing a group of bearded white men killed by the Mayans suggests that Noah and/or his sons died heroically trying to bring knowledge and truth to the primitives

12. Shem, Noah's faithful son is reputed to have killed Nimrod, and evil ruler out to start a one-world government after the flood that could be the Quetzacoatl legend reluctantly killing an evil tyrant in Mayan legends..

According to legend, the ancient antichrist emperor, Nimrod (later deified as Osiris), was hunted down shortly after the Flood by one of Noah's sons, Shem, and brought to trial for crimes and abominations committed against YAHWEH. Nimrod was tried by an assize of 49 judges in Egypt and sentenced to death by dismemberment, his 13 body parts carried into the various corners of the known world and displayed as an example to the world of the consequences of blasphemy and apostasy against the Invisible Mighty One of Israel. Nimrod's wife, the beautiful witch Semiramis, resolved to seek out the pieces of her husband's body and found all but the penis, which later became a symbol of veneration and worship by the pagans as the bringer of life and the ultimate generative principle. Thus phallic worship became a staple of ancient Egyptian religious culture, Nimrod became deified as Osiris (Ammon-Ra), his wife Semiramis as Isis, the Earth mother goddess. The Jewish leader, Shem, became the wicked god, Seth, forever plaguing the peoples of the Earth with restrictive covenants and binding moralities (Levitican Law).

13. Quetzacoatl could be Noah and his Son(s), or both

I hope you do not have knee-jerk reaction against the possibility that the Bible is an accurate sourcebook of ancient human history since your earlier work, "The Sign and the Seal" centered on the search for the lost Ark of the Covenant. If we were to simply give the Bible's explanation a chance as a possible model for how events unfolded, I think you would see that it dove-tails with your astounding conclusions that the ancients had truly advanced technology that defies explanation from the humans picking it up as they go along chronologically theory accepted as assumed fact by nearly all historians, archaelogists etc. The Bible has always stated that humans have always had the ability from even their very beginnings to live in organized cities though they could always by choice and circumstance live in primitive ways. The size, construction of Noah's Ark to provide the greatest hydrological stability shows a higher intellect passed down the specifications to Noah for construction.

With todays advanced imagery from space and from aircraft I find it hard to believe that our national collection means haven't pinpointed the exact location of AIRBORNE!

Mike Sparks

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