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Point I-1

Task 1: Identify Terrain Features on a Map

TEST CONDITIONS: During daylight, given a 1:50,000 scale topographical military map.

TEST STANDARDS: Identify the five major and three minor terrain features on the map.

SOLDIER'S MANUAL CROSSWALK: This task does not differ from task number 071-329-1001 in STP 21-1-SMCT or FM 21-26 Land Navigation.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR POINT: Pencils, 1:50,000-scale topographic military map, clipboard, paper, stopwatch, field table, and FB Form 20-20-R.

SITE SETUP: On the map, circle one example of each major and minor terrain feature as listed on the score sheet. Randomly letter the circled terrain features A through J. Provide each candidate a map, pencil, and paper.


"Let me have your attention. At this point, you are required to identify five major and three minor terrain features on a 1:50,000-scale military map, without error, within 8 minutes. You will be given a map with the terrain features circled and lettered. Letter your paper A through H and then write down the terrain feature that corresponds to each circled and lettered area on the map."

If there are any questions, you may repeat the instructions but do not elaborate on what you have read.


Candidates identify 5 major terrain features (HRVSD):






3 minor terrain features (DSC):




Allow the candidate to proceed for 8 minutes.


Point I-2

Task 2: Determine Target Location Using Grid Coordinates

TEST CONDITIONS: During daylight, given a 1:50,000-scale military topographic map, a lensatic compass, a GTA 5-2-12 coordinate scale and protractor, binoculars, and pencil and paper, the candidate is shown the location (on the ground, to the front) of two enemy targets.

TEST STANDARDS: Determine the 8-digit grid coordinate for each target and plots the targets on the map. You will be given 2 minutes to accomplish the requirements for each target for a total of 4 minutes. Grid coordinates will be within 100 meters of the target location and contain the correct two-letter 100,000-meter square identifier.

SOLDIER'S MANUAL CROSSWALK: This task parallels task number 071-329-1002 in STP 21-1-SMCT.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR POINT: GTA 5-2-12 Coordinate scale and protractor, 1:50,000-scale military topographic map, pencil and paper, clipboard, stopwatch, field table, and FB Form 20-21-R.

SITE SETUP: Select a site with identifiable terrain features. Select a target location close to the terrain features. Provide a miliary topographical map with the EIB point I-2 site plotted on it, GTA 5-2-12 coordinate scale and protractor, Lensatic compass, and paper and pencil for each candidate.

Ensures that a number of target locations are selected to ensure that candidates are not using the same targets. Targets must be clearly identifiable. Conduct this test during daylight and in clear weather.


"Let me have your attention. At this point, you are required to determine target location using grid coordinates. You will locate two enemy positions by using grid coordinates. Each target must be located within 100 meters using an 8-digit grid coordinate. You have 2 minutes to accomplish the requirements for each target for a total of 4 minutes. You are given a 1:50,000-scale map, a lensatic compass, binoculars, a coordinate scale and protractor, and paper and pencil. Do you understand what you must do?"

If there are any questions, you may repeat the instructions but you may not elaborate on what you have read.

"You are presently located at ___ __________. (Give the 8-digit grid coordinate of the candidate's location.)"

"Your first target location is the ____________. (Point out the target.)

Pause for 5 seconds.


Allow the candidate to proceed for 2 minutes.


Pause for 10 seconds.

"Your second target location is the ___________. (Point out the target.)

Pause for 5 seconds.


Allow the candidate to proceed for 2 minutes.


Station I Pre-Test
1. Grid coordinate GL 1234 5678, what does GL refer to?

2. You are plotting GL 1234 5678, what are the first two numbers measured?

3. What kind of grid coordinate is this?

4. An 8-digit coordinate is accurate to ___ meters?

5. Name the 5 major terrain features.

6. What are the 3 minor terrain features?

7. If you forget what map symbols mean where can you find out?

8. What does BLACK usually represent on a map?

9. What map feature is BROWN lines show?

10. There are 3 grid readers on GTA 5-2-12, which one is 1:50,000?

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